Perhaps you are wondering what happened to our 5th grade year? Well, it was a busy year to be sure and I did not keep up with updating this website with our activities. Mostly because it all seemed a bit mundane. I think after going at this for 8 years I found myself in a bit of a homeschooling rut.
Oh sure, the year started out great with plans for monthly field trips and this was going to be the year that we had lots of F.U.N. in our homeschool. I think overall it was a bit meh. ;)
I'm hard pressed to even recall any of our field trips other than the couple of times that we traveled to James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA to visit the observatory and once we attended a lecture on Black Holes which was pretty fascinating. Gosh, now that I think of it, those field trips were in 4th grade! I dare say we didn't even have any notable trips during our 5th grade year. How sad. The highlights were that Mariana detests Shakespeare and dreads Latin. Nice, huh. I decided to give Shakespeare a rest. I did investigate attending a play in Staunton to see if perhaps attending a live Shakespearean play would shed a different and more favorable light on the subject. The idea never got any traction due to the high cost of tickets, even for a matinee. I'm hopeful we will have a chance to circle back around to this subject and that finances will be a little more fluid so we can take a day to attend a play.
So here we are, in the midst of 6th grade. This year officially marks leaving behind elementary school and entering middle school. Whoop! With this comes hormonal fluctuations (which are perfectly timed with my premenopausal hormones, yay), growth spurts and more than a few sleepless nights for both of us.
Over the summer Mariana displayed a keen talent for macro photography and so I've dedicated space on this site to showcase some of her amazing photos. She also continues to be a very talented artist with her sketches and primarily digital artwork. I'm still working on how to display some of this art. She's also quite the gifted writer and has enjoyed writing a few blogs for this site. She's working on a big project, writing and drawing a comic. Not just any comic, but a comic of epic proportions! I don't understand half of the story lines she shares with me, I'm just grateful that she still chooses to share her thoughts and ideas with me.
Oh sure, the year started out great with plans for monthly field trips and this was going to be the year that we had lots of F.U.N. in our homeschool. I think overall it was a bit meh. ;)
I'm hard pressed to even recall any of our field trips other than the couple of times that we traveled to James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA to visit the observatory and once we attended a lecture on Black Holes which was pretty fascinating. Gosh, now that I think of it, those field trips were in 4th grade! I dare say we didn't even have any notable trips during our 5th grade year. How sad. The highlights were that Mariana detests Shakespeare and dreads Latin. Nice, huh. I decided to give Shakespeare a rest. I did investigate attending a play in Staunton to see if perhaps attending a live Shakespearean play would shed a different and more favorable light on the subject. The idea never got any traction due to the high cost of tickets, even for a matinee. I'm hopeful we will have a chance to circle back around to this subject and that finances will be a little more fluid so we can take a day to attend a play.
So here we are, in the midst of 6th grade. This year officially marks leaving behind elementary school and entering middle school. Whoop! With this comes hormonal fluctuations (which are perfectly timed with my premenopausal hormones, yay), growth spurts and more than a few sleepless nights for both of us.
Over the summer Mariana displayed a keen talent for macro photography and so I've dedicated space on this site to showcase some of her amazing photos. She also continues to be a very talented artist with her sketches and primarily digital artwork. I'm still working on how to display some of this art. She's also quite the gifted writer and has enjoyed writing a few blogs for this site. She's working on a big project, writing and drawing a comic. Not just any comic, but a comic of epic proportions! I don't understand half of the story lines she shares with me, I'm just grateful that she still chooses to share her thoughts and ideas with me.