There are several reasons why people opt for Do-It-Yourself flea and tick control for their pets. One reason is money. It is just pennies to make your own when you know how to do it. Keep reading, because I’m going to tell you how in just a bit. Another reason is to reduce both our pet’s and our family’s exposure to toxic chemicals. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) published a report about the toxic chemicals commonly found in over-the-counter insect control products for pets. Even when these products are used as instructed, they can cause “serious health consequences to pets and humans.” Many of these products include organophosphate (OP) compounds which are known to have toxic effects. And a third reason is that the over the counter options smell really horrible. Toxic chemicals generally do smell awful and this is why many manufacturers add synthetic fragrances to their products in an attempt to mask the odor. I have a better way. A way that is 100% healthy for your beloved pet, healthy for you and your children, and it smells awesome because it is made with pure essential oils.
Here is your short list of supplies that you’ll need:
In a small dish combine the water with the essential oil. Using an eyedropper, apply the mixture to the bandana and rub the cloth together before tying around your dog’s neck.
I personally like to use a bandana because it is easy to put on or take off and I feel I have more control over how potent I make the collar. If your dog is sensitive to the essential oils, use less and reapply to the collar more frequently. It is recommended that you reapply the oil/water mixture about once a week. If your pet has a high exposure risk to fleas and tick then I would consider reapplying every other day.
As with all things, use a little caution and a lot of common sense. A few other tips for natural insect control would be to use a flea comb daily, catching the fleas and drown them in water. Washing your pet’s bedding on a regular basis, vacuuming regularly and treating your pet to a bath on a regular basis are also great tips.
Here is your short list of supplies that you’ll need:
- Bandana or your dog’s collar
- An eyedropper (optional)
- 1-3 tbsp of water
- 3-5 drops of Purification essential oil. If you run out of Purification, you could use any of the following, or a combination: citronella, rosemary, lemongrass, tea tree, or lavender.
In a small dish combine the water with the essential oil. Using an eyedropper, apply the mixture to the bandana and rub the cloth together before tying around your dog’s neck.
I personally like to use a bandana because it is easy to put on or take off and I feel I have more control over how potent I make the collar. If your dog is sensitive to the essential oils, use less and reapply to the collar more frequently. It is recommended that you reapply the oil/water mixture about once a week. If your pet has a high exposure risk to fleas and tick then I would consider reapplying every other day.
As with all things, use a little caution and a lot of common sense. A few other tips for natural insect control would be to use a flea comb daily, catching the fleas and drown them in water. Washing your pet’s bedding on a regular basis, vacuuming regularly and treating your pet to a bath on a regular basis are also great tips.